Saturday 31 December 2011

What is a Doctor?

A Doctor's definition in informal sense: A doctor is an angel of God, whom God sends on the earth to take care of the earth's dwellers... Doctor loves the life of an individual and spends most of his time taking care of others, forgetting his own health! Most of you must be possessing a Doctor, or a family doctor. Don't you think that he understands your problem and goes on to find some solution regarding your health? In return he wants nothing, just some materialistic money, that is not so important in front of your good health.. He wants you smile, and he tries every useful remedy in order to make you smile.... He find excuses so as to not let you know that he is going to give you an injection! He has a big heart, as he can see his patients in pain.. There is a cry in his heart always, but only sensitive ones can understand that..!
So, here lets give a HUGE THANK to our Doctors :)
We love you Docs!